What is interesting to me is how often one will hear about how fragile testimonies can be. Statements in General Conference or Sacrament Meetings will often remark about a testimony needs to be constantly “nourished” through scripture reading, church attendance, and by bearing of the testimony (“witnessing” in traditional Christian parlance). A related analogy that I heard was that having a testimony was like swimming upstream in a river - we need to be constantly working because if we’re not doing anything we’ll go downstream.
Here’s the thing: if it’s a real “testimony,” why should it NEED strengthening? For example, I know I live in Ogden, UT. I can bear testimony to that (in the court sense). I don’t have to wake up every so often and recite it to an individual (or a congregation) to convince myself of that fact. Just like I don’t have to keep convincing myself that concrete is hard. Or that the Pythagorean Theorem works. In the court sense, a witness shouldn't need to wake up every morning and reaffirm that it was the blue car that ran the red light and caused the accident.

Allow me to illustrate how this looks to me with a little analogy. It seems like people trying to convince themselves that Santa is real (sorry, it’s just after Christmastime, and it was an easy target). For most of them, they have been told that Santa was real ever since they were little. And they were told to just keep convincing themselves and their friends of that fact, despite mounds of evidence to the contrary. To wit:

2. The North Pole workshop doesn't appear on maps.
3. There are differing accounts on the personality and physical description of Santa depending on what culture one is from
4. The physics behind delivering so many toys to so many kids worldwide is impossible
5. Et cetera.
Despite statements like these, kids have been able to put them out of their minds and ignore evidence and keep their convictions that Santa is real. After all, believing in Santa just feels good. And let’s face it, for the most part, belief in Santa is pretty benign and can be fun. But we all know some people who go WAAAY too far with the whole Santa thing.
Ok, I think you get my point, so we’ll drop the Santa analogy. What I’m getting to is that rational people will drop the belief once they learn the real facts about how it was really their parents all along. That does, after all, make a lot more logical sense. But here’s where things get a little different in the real world. When confronted with facts that contradict belief, instead of changing beliefs, Mormons tend to dig in deeper (though this practice is not limited to Mormons). Instead of having faith that acts as a bridge between belief and fact, Mormons re-define faith as a shield against uncomfortable facts and history and choose to ignore them.
The traditional defense against science and logic used by Mormons is that they experienced the “burning bosom” of the Holy Ghost telling them that what they learned in church was true. Often, they add that they can’t deny what they felt, and that it trumps any facts that contradict what they felt.
But as it turns out, the LDS religion isn't the only one to make people have good feelings and emotions to swell (it’s also possible to duplicate the feeling using certain meditation techniques). In fact, just a little research from the web will confirm that there are many people around the world who feel the exact same feelings about their religions. Why are their accounts and “testimonies” not just as valid as any Latter-day Saint’s?

Unfortunately, feelings can’t always be trusted. I felt good feelings while hearing one of the stories behind Del Parson’s most famous painting. I loved that story . . . that is, until I heard it from Del Parson himself at a talk that it was completely false. I was confused and wasn't sure what to think about it (I was experiencing what is called cognitive dissonance). So I guess that’s why the Scientific Method was invented.

I'll end this with three quotes from past General Authorities.
#1: If a faith will not bear to be investigated; if its preachers and professors are afraid to have it examined, their foundation must be very weak. (Journal of Discourses, Volume 14, Page 216)
- George Albert Smith, LDS Church President
- LDS Apostle Hugh B. Brown, “A Final Testimony,” from An Abundant Life, 1999
#3: "If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by
investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed."
- J. Reuben Clark, LDS Presidency First Counselor
- J. Reuben Clark, LDS Presidency First Counselor
(authored by Joseph using Anne's blogger account)
(Discussion moved here from Facebook)
ReplyDeleteJames Samford:
Why not just tell people that you choose not to believe it any more. If they push further, just say just because you believe the sun rises in the morning doesn't mean that is the truth of the situation for me. Testimonies or witnesses no matter how true they are can change or be lost. Just because the Pythagorean Theorem works, if you stop using it you forget how it works or even what it is for, don't believe me ask an English Major who stopped needing to use it after 10 years if they remember what it is. If an English teacher started giving me terms for sentence structures or how to do something with words to express something greater, I cannot go through every detail I learned from that English class unless I took the class again and used that information over and over and reminded myself of it over and over. So, then you either need to either relearn it, make up a new way to get the same results on how to get a distance from point A to Point C, or decide it isn't even worth your time because you haven't used it for such a long time. Then with Santa, a man that is based off a Dutch Catholic Saint which comes once a year and said to still be alive in the North pole can then go to Christ who claimed to be the Son of God, like Hercules, Thor, and many other Demigods can just end in a mythology and be counted as a false belief. So, can one loose a true testimony of the truth? Yes, just ask so many who once believed in Christ in any religion and now live contrary to and deny Christ even is true. A testimony or witness of can be lost just like your memory of every little thing that happened today. Don't believe me? Can you tell me everything that happened yesterday, a year ago, or even when you were 5? Those events were true events and yet you forgot them and cannot testify of them. So, is the sun going to rise in the morning? For most of society it will, but I can also choose to believe that the sun doesn't rise at all.
(Joseph speaking) - I think you're confusing the mechanics behind HOW something works with remembering that it DOES work and has been proven. I agree that people will forget things they don't use. For example, I haven't taken a Home Ec class since middle school, and I don't remember every sewing technique and stitch I learned. But I don't need to convince myself that it works. I know I sewed fabric together, and I know that others can do it far more professionally than I. But not remembering how to do it myself is different from not believing (or knowing) that it can be done.
DeleteWith the sun rising analogy, are you saying that most people believe the geocentric model of the solar system? If so, you're kinda proving my point for me. We know a heliocentric model is the correct one. We have loads of evidence showing it. But there are some who are willfully ignorant and choose to believe otherwise. A good example of this are the members of the Flat Earth Society - choosing to believe in something that has been proven otherwise.
James Samford:
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not confusing the mechanics with remembering that is does work. The thing with a testimony and a witness is that they are and should be focused on the Savior. Outside of that there are other things the lead us to know who Jesus Christ is and to know that they lead to a better understanding of the Savior just adds to the already focused part of Jesus Christ. One can either forget how the Atonement works or that it works, choose not to believe that it works, or just plan not care if it works at all. One can lose a testimony of all things that are true or come to a misguided understanding of how it works. I can keep going into detail how a person can come to a misunderstanding of truth or how something works, but I should end with that a testimony is not just based on that it works because if you don't know how it works or keep doing what you should be doing for it to work you will forget what you need to do for it to work. Just like the any math, science, English, and even your sewing if you don't keep doing it you will lose what you should be doing for it to work and know that it does work for you.
(Joseph again) - The point of the article is that people maintain belief in something that is easily provable as false (again, like Flat-Earthers), and that in the face of evidence people willfully chose to be ignorant. On top of that, the leaders don't want the members looking at anything that might cause them to doubt. A business example would be like a company that makes a DVD player and then instructs its customers to only read the 5-star reviews, and to ignore any of the reviews, comments, or consumer reports that indicate otherwise.
DeleteBut for your point that as a Christian church, the members' testimonies should be focused on Christ: I agree that it should. But whenever I heard the talk of what an LDS testimony should consist of, it was only 1 of the 5 points.
If I recall correctly, they are that: 1) God is our Heavenly Father, 2) Jesus is the Christ and our savior, 3) the Book of Mormon is true, 4) Joseph Smith was a prophet who restored the true church, 5) and that the church is currently led by a living prophet.
Points 1 and 2 are relatively hard to prove one way or the other definitively, and are common among lots of Christian churches. But points 3-5 are easily disproven through historical accounts, archaeological records, etc.
My point is that the leaders of the LDS church are basically instructing members to NOT investigate the claims of the church, and to ignore the information and evidence. It amounts to being told to put your fingers in your ears and say, "LALALALA I'm not listening!"
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ReplyDeleteFor anyone wondering, it was a bunch of links of where to buy fake ID/Driver's Licenses online. Weird that this bot would pick this post 7 years later . . .